At QCX Logistics we want to be apart of the solution in strengthening your supply chain so that you are more competitive against your competitors supply chain. Supply chain management is a cross-function approach including managing the movement of raw materials into an organization, certain aspects of the internal processing of materials into finished goods, and the movement of finished goods out of the organization and toward the end-consumer. As organizations strive to focus on core competencies and becoming more flexible, they reduce their ownership of raw materials sources and distribution channels. These functions are increasingly being outsourced to other entities that can perform the activities better or more cost effectively. The effect is to increase the number of organizations involved in satisfying customer demand, while reducing management control of daily logistics operations. Less control and more supply chain partners led to the creation of supply chain management concepts. The purpose of supply chain management is to improve trust and collaboration among supply chain partners, thus improving inventory visibility and the velocity of inventory movement.

Supply chain activities can be grouped into strategic, tactical, and operational levels that allow organizations to see their business processes from a high level and cross-industry viewpoint.

Strategic level
  • Strategic network optimization, including the number, location, and size of warehousing, distribution centers, and facilities.
  • Strategic partnerships with suppliers, distributors, and customers, creating communication channels for critical information and operational improvements such as cross docking, direct shipping, and third-party logistics.
  • Product life cycle management, so that new and existing products can be optimally integrated into the supply chain and capacity management activities.
  • Information technology chain operations.
  • Where-to-make and make-buy decisions.
  • Aligning overall organizational strategy with supply strategy.
  • It is for long term and needs resource commitment.
Tactical level
  • Sourcing contracts and other purchasing decisions.
  • Production decisions, including contracting, scheduling, and planning process definition.
  • Inventory decisions, including quantity, location, and quality of inventory.
  • Transportation strategy, including frequency, routes, and contracting.
  • Benchmarking of all operations against competitors and implementation of best practices throughout the enterprise.
  • Milestone payments.
  • Focus on customer demand and Habits.
Operational level
  • Daily production and distribution planning, including all nodes in the supply chain.
  • Production scheduling for each manufacturing facility in the supply chain (minute by minute).
  • Demand planning and forecasting, coordinating the demand forecast of all customers and sharing the forecast with all suppliers.
  • Sourcing planning, including current inventory and forecast demand, in collaboration with all suppliers.
  • Inbound operations, including transportation from suppliers and receiving inventory.
  • Production operations, including the consumption of materials and flow of finished goods.
  • Outbound operations, including all fulfillment activities, warehousing and transportation to customers.
  • Order promising, accounting for all constraints in the supply chain, including all suppliers, manufacturing facilities, distribution centers, and other customers.
  • From production level to supply level accounting all transit damage cases & arrange to settlement at customer level by maintaining company loss through insurance company.
  • Managing non-moving, short-dated inventory and avoiding more products to go short-dated.

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